Five Common Glaucoma Tests
Early detection, through regular and complete eye exams, is the key to protecting your vision from damage caused by glaucoma. A complete eye exam includes five common tests to detect glaucoma. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly. Your eyes should be tested: before age 40, every two to four years from age 40 to age 54, every one to three years from age 55 to 64, every one to two years after age 65, every six to 12 months Anyone with high risk factors should be tested every year or two after age 35. A Comprehensive Glaucoma Exam To be safe and accurate, five factors should be checked before making a… Read More
Tips for Eye Health in Adults Over 60
Women’s Higher Risk for Some Eye Diseases Women are more likely than men to have glaucoma and women are also more likely to be visually impaired or blind due to glaucoma. Also, women are 24 percent less likely to be treated for glaucoma. Cataract is somewhat more common in women, as well. Women should be sure to follow the Academy’s screening guidelines and adhere to their Eye M.D.’s follow-up appointment recommendations and treatment plans. Low Vision The term low vision describes vision loss that makes daily tasks difficult. Normal aging of the eye does not lead to low vision; it is a result of eye diseases, injuries or both. Low vision symptoms nclude loss… Read More
This Is Exactly What You Should Do If Your Contacts Get Lost In Your Eye
It is not going to roll back into your brain and kill you, promise. One of the hardest commandments to follow as a contacts-wearer is, "Thou shalt not rub thine eyes." Anyone who's vigorously rubbed her peepers while wearing contacts has likely experienced one of the most terrifying situations as retribution: losing a contact in your eye. "It’s something that can happen for a multitude of reasons," Andrea Thau, O.D., president-elect of the American Optometric Association and spokesperson for Think About Your Eyes, an awareness campaign that promotes the importance of eye health and an annual eye exam, tells SELF. Wearing lenses that don't fit can make them dislodge easier, but if you're getting… Read More
Here's What Really Happens When You Sleep In Your Contact Lenses
Real talk: if you’re a regular contact lenses wearer, chances are you’ve fallen asleep in your contacts at some point in time (or maybe even a few times). We all know it’s not recommended by eye doctors, but why, exactly? What’s actually happening in your eyes when you sleep with your contacts in? To find out, we had to get a little familiar with how daily contact wearing actually affects your body. As with any foreign object or substance that you introduce to your body, whether it be a food or a drug, contacts take some time to get used to. “The FDA actually describes contacts as a drug,” says Russell Wohl, OD, from… Read More
What Your Vision Symptoms Say About the Kind of Lenses You Need
Finding the world around you a little out of focus lately? You’re far from alone. More than 75 percent of Americans require vision correction. And while vision symptoms can put a damper on your daily activities, they can be corrected with prescriptive eyewear in many cases. You can find brief descriptions below on some of the more common vision problems that can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. If any of these conditions describes your vision, be sure to schedule an exam with your eye doctor today. Help may be just a pair of prescription eyewear away. You can’t see things up close. This is a sign of farsightedness, or hyperopia. People with… Read More
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